Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Positive or Not to Be Positive.

Interesting enough, the majority of people who work all the time, pay bills and raise kids, are depressed and negative all day. People who are lazy and don't do anything, but get high, drunk, or watch Tv are positive or atleast happy. But why is that? Why are the hard working bees, sadder than the rest. It's because there is usually something missing or they believe that their life is destined to be mundane and the same for a lifetime. But have you ever seen someone that one day decides they are gonna put one foot forward and demand to be taken seriously, and to get things done to one day have a better life? They find whats missing in their existence. Joy! You have to overcome this overwhelming burden of stress. It kills slowly, that's why it is considered a disease. You must dismiss the things in your life that make you react in a fashion that can lower your health, and find what makes you happy. Now I'm not saying quit your job and throw your kids out, but if you find a hobby, or follow your dreams, or find someone to talk to, you may actually start seeing the world in a more positive light, and a better outcome can arise. Everyone goes through things, and I myself find it hard to not be upset or frustrated sometimes. But I am also determined to find that inner peace and tranquility that everyone yearns for. Everyday I am looking to push more positive thoughts into my head, saying positive things about myself, and know that although I have no control over some things in life, I will continue to push forward and find a way. In the hit film "Star Wars" Yoda says "Do or Do Not, There Is No Try." which means either get it done or don't. But don't look for a good outcome and do nothing to inhibit a positive response. Yes somethings just don't work out and somethings just are not meant to be. But doing something no matter if you fail is a much better way to go about things instead of just giving up or living the mundane life you hate. If things go wrong or has not happen the way you planned, keep it moving. Obviously it is not your time or maybe you need a new approach. Anything is possible, and your imagination is still in your mind somewhere, use it.

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