Thursday, January 15, 2015


First off, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! This is the year of renewal. The year of success and adventure. A lot of times people are very stressed as the new year comes around cause they feel like they are still playing catch-up. I am not excluded. Every January I get excited knowing that tax season is upon us, and i'll get that extra relief that will hopefully help me propel to the next level. But then I spend it and look forward to next year. But this year is so different. No resolutions. Just a few goals and a plan. Keep it simple is the new motto. Not overexending yourself to the point that all your plans fail and your back at square one. I got three goals.

1. Buy a car.

I'm from Chicago. Coming from a place with mass transit can sometime keep you from ever trying to buy a car and even getting a license. I do not have both. But as times change, so shall I.

2. Sell a film script.

I usually keep my scripts and work hidden. But in this changing time and advancement in entertainment, its time for me to give my two cents in this business. And so I shall.

3. Get my first national tv commercial.

I have been in a few commercials but nothing that you probably have seen. But I have envisioned my acting career and though a lot of people have been in a commercial, I will use the platform to further more behind the scenes areas of my acting career.

So there it is. Those are my goals. Now a plan is a little more detailed in information for you to reach your goals but as long as you keep it simple and work on achieving such goals. You will never be bored and your ambition shall grow as a result. There is always a chance of failing; and for that reason a lot of us decide to keep it safe and do not work toward their passion. I will not falter in my ambition fore I have been to the bottom morr than once and as I sit and watch television or interviews the only thing I can think about is when it will be my turn. So, go forth my people. And write out your goals. Make yourself a plan.  And work toward success and let failure know that though we know you are present, you will not stop me from achieving the opposite. Till next time...Make it count or don't do it at all.

1 comment:

  1. Dope! Catch those goals and grab them by the neck and make them your reality! 2015 we cant be stop! holla!

